A bright day.

I started the Xtandi Monday evening and the Lupron (shot of 3-months’ supply) yesterday, and couldn’t feel better after a sound night’s sleep.  The reason: I have new confidence that the treatment plan may buy me at least a few more years and that any side-effects I get may be tolerable.  This from reading up on the androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) that I am getting plus reviewing some posts of Xtandi users on a chat board.  Some of the users are into their fifth year or more!

The ADT guide book recommends all the life-style practices that I have been following for years: healthy diet, regular exercise, right thinking — practices that I believe have kept me fit and healthy .  So, I may have a leg up on minimizing side-effects.  I intend to maintain those practices with a newfound vigor and we’ll see what happens.

Right now, I feel on top of my life, embracing the new reality that I am taking powerful drugs to keep the cancer at bay and buy me time while I do all I can to minimize their side-effects.  I am clearly into the mode of “continually fight the cancer while keeping my life-style as acceptable and contributing as possible.”  I can do it!