Who’s Doron?

Monday, Dec. 16, 2019

I am an 85 year old retiree who learned three days ago that my prostate cancer, which I had thought was well under control with the treatment plan I have been following for the past seven years, has metastasized into my hip bone.  I also learned from internet research that I have a six percent chance of living five more years.

I am a believer of living in the moment with the reality of that moment as best I can perceive it.  So I’m living now with the reality that the cancer is incurable, that various treatments may be proposed to prolong my longevity, but that I most likely will be gone much sooner than I had anticipated. 

My thoughts turn to how do I best keep my loved ones aware of this new pathway for my life and about what I’m experiencing medically, physically, and emotionally.

The good news is that my spirits are high and I believe they will remain high through to my last breath.   I am thankful for many things, but one is  that I can use this blog to convey major new realities and my reactions to them, and to provide an up-to-date response to “How is Doron doing?”

For a more robust answer to  Who’s Doron?, go to www.doronsweb.org.     

Who is Doron?

I am Doron Antrim, an 85 year old (as of May 8, 2019) retiree who lives with his significant other, Kate Prager, in Friends House, a retirement community in Silver Spring, Maryland.  I’d like to think that I am an activist and change agent; I certainly try to be one.  I have been a seeker of spiritual truth and a thinker for most of my life; my journey of spiritual development and my core values are outlined in my Web, www.doronsweb.org.  My intent with this blog is to describe lessons I have learned that have added significantly to my joyous life.